November 21, 2009

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot & Ebullience

Open note to a hater:

Hmmm, what's the most diplomatic way to say this? I've been treated like crap my fair share of times; but I can't say that I've felt quite that slighted in more than a decade. I've just remembered why I'm not inclined to hang out with people who are or act 8 unless I'm getting paid. Forgive me if I'm wrong but, during the run of a show, isn't creating dissension in a cast basically artistic suicide? Silly me, I forgot that you have no actual experience in the business and exist solely to get as smashed as you can at every opportunity and boast about it. So, I'll attempt to rise above this mere pebble in my path and focus on the fact that I already had plans, anyway.

Open note to someone amazingly, superlatively gorgeous:

OK, please try not to get a big head. My opinion is just based on a rudimentary observation; I could be mistaken. I can tell you though, that I haven't cared this much about how I look in a long time. I'd also like to thank you for reinspiring me to figure out what I can contribute to humanity. Most cheesy classic love songs' lyrics could be quoted here; but I don't know that my interest is other than platonic.

Frankly, I'm a bit confused about and afraid of my present inability to release you from my thoughts. I don't want to jinx my quest to redirect my energy, but I believe I might be letting go, little by little.

In the meantime, your surprised expression is my favorite. I am blown away by your insightful and articulate writing. Of course, the overall way you carry yourself and move is what first caught my eye. You appear so clean and effortless; yet somehow you simultaneously exude this indescribable, all-inclusive, creative, happy energy. I guess that's the evidence of your practice and great skill. You seem confident enough to just be your intelligent, abundantly joyous self. I really admire you for that.

Thanks for letting me be a part of your life for a minute!

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