November 02, 2009

Extended Status Update

Anna likes writing about herself in the third person. Recently, she was asked to submit her highly abridged bio for an upcoming production's programme. She enjoyed composing it.

Anna loves so many people, places and things. Yesterday was a gorgeous day; the sunshine reminded her just how blessed she truly is.

Today the wind blew, again, and she felt frustrated, apathetic, obsessed, weak, and pessimistic. Somehow she managed to go all the places she was supposed to go and be there for the people who were depending on her. She realises this is no inconsequential triumph. Yet, she thinks she can relate to Emo people, today. Is there really any reason she should feel down, in the least? She can think of absolutely none.

Why does she have so much trouble aborting or ignoring certain quests? She finds that she must retry, over and over. Many other illogical ideas she has no trouble seeing for what they are!

Today's revelation, nay, epiphany even, had to do with being able to relate to John Lennon's famous statement that, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." She wonders if there's anything (besides her consistently messy room, perhaps) that isn't in a permanent state of flux.

Anna has been sick nearly all winter (for about four months), without more than a couple of weeks of solid health. In spite of that fact, she has made an effort not to stop and wallow too much (yes, possibly delaying her recovery). Even when she feels that she is just going through the motions of life, without passion, she is glad to have shown up.

She is beginning to accept the idea that she is unlikely to find anything approaching a "normal" love relationship. Judging from the "average" people she has known though, she is able to see this probability as another blessing she ought to treasure.

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