December 26, 2009

Passive Aggressive


I wish I had a better understanding of what others see in me. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on what I like (and don't). I try to respect people with whom I come into contact. Maybe, after all of these years of toughening up, I'm still too sensitive. I guess what frustrates me the most (at least sometimes) is feeling like I've been treated like garbage and figuring out that somehow it's my fault. That situation still floors me every time.

I was fascinated by a book I found about how we are perceived. The findings of the author's research had shown that when we try to guess what someone we've just met thinks of us, we're wrong nearly 90% of the time. So, maybe just engaging my ears and saving the talking/venting for my blog could keep me out of some trouble.

Yeah, my musical taste is different from most folks I know -- at least a little bit, if not the polar opposite. I'll keep working on not taking an attack on my music as a personal one. I love lyrics and often use various songs' as a mantra to pull me out of a slump (like now, for instance).

I feel very grateful to have survived a pretty exhausting week. I have two beautiful and glorious days off (even if the weather turns against me) ahead. I plan to do some serious resting and recuperating.

Today's picture is from a much happier time. I'm looking forward to having another similar experience (I hope) in 2010!

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