December 07, 2009

No Day But Today (- oh, and Yesterday)

I love spectacular Wellington days. Sadly, there aren't enough of them. Perhaps it's because of this that I am better prepared to appreciate the ones I experience!

Today I found time to do some spring cleaning and go on a short skate. The first of two end-of-term shows went pretty well. I can't complain, anyway. I shifted some furniture around in what I hope will be a beneficial position, according to the principles of Feng Shui. Of course I still have great aspirations of downsizing a significant percentage of my stuff, at a *dramatic pause* later date.

Yesterday I went to Body Jam class in the morning; I used to love doing that, but I hadn't been in quite a while. I checked out the Museum of Wellington City and Sea in the afternoon. Trying my hand(s) at the knots was my favorite. In the evening I saw Where the Wild Things Are -- SO cool.

Later, I went to sing some Karaoke and didn't make the strongest song choices. Oh, well. Maybe I wouldn't have been available for the Motown gig that's coming up, anyway. I think I need to lift my game if I want to continue telling people that I have a degree in singing! The low point of the day was trying to leave the club for my 10-minute walk home and having some people basically force me to take a cab that they called, in spite of my efforts to explain that I had walked around LA and NYC at all hours and was fine. I got the driver to turn the corner and let me out -- $5.80 poorer. Grrrr.

Saturday was better. The weather was stunning; work was quiet. I was really grateful to find some new walking/running shoes on sale, during my lunch break. My old ones were way too broken down to offer any good support and cushioning. I managed to score a last-minute comp to a concert I had wanted to attend but couldn't afford. The musicians are all so versatile and really good-looking. I'm a bit envious. Somehow, I also squeezed in a brief skate between work and the show! Good stuff.

Friday after work I resurrected a nearly-forgotten artist date that was once my weekly tradition. I worked out at the gym, grabbed some stir fry for dinner, and caught the last half hour in the downtown library's music room before they closed. I couldn't believe how much muscle memory I still had for my II-V-I's. I felt creatively replenished. I was a bit too excited to have made it to the gym, though. I tried nearly everything. I'm still sore.

I've been documenting the past few days in photos...

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