December 22, 2009

Cosmic alignment

-- Kelly Angard/Nina Potts-Jefferies?

Patience is a virtue.
Resentfulness is not.

Forgive yourself and others
To cherish what you've got.

Laughter is contagious in its undiluted state.
Joyful war it wages and steps in to seal my fate.

Helplessly endeavouring to curb a giggles case
Shoulders hunched and quivering with tension in my face

If I can't contain it and I'm ROTFL
My heart becomes more fit; and endorphins flow as well!

I admit a preference for some pealing, patent mirth
Chemical prescriptions rarely seem to match its worth

Maybe not the answer to all obstacles we face
But it helps fight cancer and in healing has a place

Not a mere placebo know the clowns Patch Adams casts
As Mary P. Poole said, "He who laughs, lasts."

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