June 09, 2012

Nose to the ground

Looking down until you're better
Your mirror lets you see the view
It's a temporary fetter
Determination gets you through

A week or two to be cared for
Is certainly not a big deal
Is there a soul who has shared more?
Give your cells what they need to heal

Knowing you, you'll gain great insights
I surely hope that you will share
Some unforeseeable delights
You find through stillness and a chair

Fun times await you through the year
You're tough to have fit them all in
Continue on with your career
I'm honored that I am your kin.

June 08, 2012

Tribute (good memories of March)

As promised in the previous post:

You improve my best reflection with you pallette of correction
And I wear a bronze complexion; I glow.  Let me know...

Are you all wizards or are you magicians?
If you're magicians, you are wizzes of magicians!
You make up powers I can't comprehend and my wig reflects the extra time you spend.

You detonate my eyes to magnify their size;
It's such a cool disguise.  For those who knew me: SURPRISE!

I'm a girl who feels like a goddess
Thanks to you artists with your aerosol and iso.
You fix my mind by fixing my make-up.
Imagination fills your overflowing cup!

Now won't you use your stipple sponge
Reload me up with sooty grunge?
Dragons make a mess; wigs redress.

I look smokin' when I'm dying
Oh, burning to the ground!
Thank you make-up gurus, haristyle masters,
My artists and my friends!
Dale in 2012, to the end. <3

April 03, 2012

Good Times Ahead

26 January 2012
  I have started meditating.  Apparently, my new hobby has the potential to make me smarter and shrink my worry and fear centre.  Time will tell, I suppose.  In the meantime I enjoy the clarity I have found and the bit of space between thoughts.
  Finally the start date for Philosophy Part 2 has nearly arrived.  I hear this section will focus on happiness.  I'm guessing it might not be so much about the pursuit, though.  I think that pursuing things (sometimes, in certain ways) could be the best way to avoid them.

3 April 2012 (here in New Zealand, anyway)
  Maybe I should go ahead and post this before too much more time passes.
  What a year it's been, so far!  I LOVE my Philosophy class; this term is nearly finished, now.  I remember the few days I managed to meditate with fondness.  How quickly I fell off of that wagon.  Perhaps I can get back on at some point.
  I had an incredible opportunity to work on a movie for 4 fun-filled days.  I had to sign more than one confidentiality agreement; so I'll wait until December (at least) to talk about it further.  I might post the lyrics to the parody of "Man or Muppet" I wrote to thank the lovely and patient make-up artists working with us, though...
  I am very grateful for the chance I've had to teach a preschool music class one day a week as part of my normal shift.  There are so many talented Kiwi artists producing terrific material suitable for starting young children off on the right foot for appreciating the wonderful language/world of music.
  "I like life.  Life likes me.  Life and I very fully agree.  Life is fine; life is good—especially mine, which is just as it should be..."