August 04, 2010

Oh, NO!

I can't believe how quickly last month seemed to pass. That's what happens when you get really busy, I suppose. First came the School Holiday deluge of visitors making every work day into a struggle for survival (in a good way). Then Little Shop of Horrors opened and ran for three lovely weekends. In the midst of all that I moved for the first time in three years. Wow, do I have a superfluity of junk. But what will be the topic of my next blog? Say, it isn't writing about figuring out what to write about, is it?!

Well, current circumstances call for me to offer some sort of proof of my worth. I'm OK at meeting deadlines, generally. It seems to depend a bit on who set them, though. I connect intellectually with kids under five years of age pretty effectively, usually. I realise that last claim wouldn't carry much weight in some professions. I find it useful in my current one, though. I care about my teammates and show that by giving them variety in their schedule (when it's up to me) and by trying to take care of myself so that I can stay healthy, especially when we're short-staffed.

In other news, I have been really blessed to have found some incredibly positive friends who have increased the joy in my life at least ten-fold. Things are looking up.

(By the way, I chose these pictures because they have clocks in them and are set in NYC and Wellington -- two great cities in which I have spent some quality time.)

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