February 10, 2011

Birth, Death and Disrespectful Idiots

(Tahoenathan's photograph of some Death Valley sand dunes looking East toward Nevada)

The great circle of life still feels scarily close. I don't know why I thought it might just be a strange phenomenon of 2010. I am over the moon for people I know who are starting a family of their own and/or creating precious new additions to their team. Each death of a family member, a friend or a friend's relation affects me in a distinct way, though.

Lately I have been considering the importance and various manners of finding closure. I would imagine that ever since people have died and left survivors rituals have been created to comfort those still alive.

Why do some people feel like nothing will ever matter, again? Why do some choose to push others away? Aren't we able to decide how attached we are to people or events? What is the right balance in the illusion of control or going with the flow of life's challenges?

I could certainly ask myself the last two questions when I encounter people who seem to take everything for granted and act as thought the world revolves around their every whim. Looking at the bigger picture reminds me that they don't have to figure in to my day.
(Public domain image of a cool lightning storm over Boston from NOAA, taken by a Boston Globe photographer)